In collaboration with Cordula Grewe of Indiana University Bloomington, Catriona MacLeod of the University’s of Pennsylvania’s Germanic Languages and Literatures department is organizing a conference on German Romantic prints (Romantic Prints on the Move) to be held at the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts in Van Pelt Library and at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, on February 1-2, 2019.
A central aspect of the conference is student participation and to offer a training opportunity along the lines of the symposium’s central goals: to forge new connections between different fields (from academia to the art market) and to provide an in-depth exposure to German Romantic print culture. Thus, the conference includes two focused study sessions (offered by invitation) with 10 slots reserved for graduate students and advanced undergraduates. The successful candidate will be asked to give a brief presentation (3-5 minutes maximum) of a pre-assigned object (either from the university’s rare book library or the museum’s print collection). Applications from all fields, including (but not limited to) art history, studio art, history, German studies, media studies, etc., are encouraged. No knowledge of German or any previous study of German Romanticism or print culture is required. Participation in the study sessions requires attendance at the conference as well; accepted students will receive a small stipend of $250.
We would love to see a range of disciplines reflected amongst the selected participants. To apply for the study sessions, please send a cv, a 1 page object-centered analysis of a single art object (of any culture or date), and 1 letter of recommendation to Cordula Grewe, Indiana University Bloomington (, and Catriona MacLeod, University of Pennsylvania (
The deadline is December 21, 2018. Successful candidates will be notified in the first week of January 2019.