July 31, 2020
Sachs-supported Film ‘Our Philadelphia’ Featured in Billy PennBilly Penn writes "a group of West Philly teens who lost friends to shootings, created a must-watch documentary." 'Our Philadelphia' was supported by a grant to producer Nora Gross in 2019. The film broadly examines the way students cope with these losses and how the school context supports, and in some cases constrains, students’ experiences of grieving and healing.
July 30, 2020
Sachs Grantee Jasmine Blanks Jones Teaches New Public Health Studies Course This FallJasmine Blanks Jones's course will examine the work and research of young artists from Liberia, West Africa who used street theatre to teach best practices for prevention during the Ebola crisis and will consider how their use of dialogical performance contributed to critical knowledge which iteratively informed interventions throughout their awareness campaign.
July 28, 2020
What Happens to a Dream Deferred? 60-Second Lectures on Racial InjusticePenn Arts & Sciences created a special series: What Happens to a Dream Deferred? 60-Second Lectures on Racial Injustice. This set of short talks focuses on the history and contemporary manifestations of racism in the U.S., Black lives and culture, and the range of factors that have contributed to this moment. The speakers featured are Mary Frances Berry; Margo Natalie Crawford; Guthrie Ramsey; and Dagmawi Woubshet.
July 28, 2020
Pandemic Project: Odyssey-A-DayPenn Professor Emily Wilson created a new project while at home during the pandemic, reading short passages from each of the 24 books of her translation of Homer’s “Odyssey,” complete with costumes, props, and voices.
July 28, 2020
New Website Aids Workers Unemployed Due to COVID-19Current and former Wharton students created a free job-hunting website for the millions of Americans who have been laid off because of the coronavirus. The free job platform allows job seekers to apply for work, connect with others who are unemployed due to COVID-19, and track unemployment numbers. The website displays more than 100,000 job listings and has nearly 30 independent active recruiters who can browse for job candidates.