July 13, 2020
Black Artists and Practitioners Awarded New Sachs Program for Arts Innovation GrantThe Sachs Program for Arts Innovation announced the eight project awardees of grants for proposals led by or primarily serving Black artists and practitioners within the Penn community.
July 6, 2020
Penn Performers Keep Creating During PandemicThis spring and summer the student Performing Arts Council has been working with the Platt Student Performing Arts House to encourage and support the hundreds of Penn performers involved in student-run groups, finding ways from afar to promote their work on social media and stay engaged.
July 1, 2020
New 2020 Grant AwardsThe Sachs Program is happy to announce the grants awarded from our recent call for proposals - for projects led by or primarily serving Black artists and practitioners within the Penn community. We are supporting eight new projects by staff, alumni, students, fellows and artists.
June 30, 2020
Kelly Writers House Forum Amplifies Ideas and Voices on Racial JusticeKelly Writers House livestreamed and recorded, a videoconference on racial justice featuring faculty, students, staff, and alumni. The Writers House is forming a working group for racial justice to connect its community and share readings, writings, ideas, resources, and projects to provide information and comfort and to “challenge racist assumptions and structures.
June 30, 2020
PennPraxis Design Fellows Take on the Real World with Design SolutionsEllen Neises, an adjunct associate professor in the Department of Landscape Architecture, came to lead PennPraxis, she saw an opportunity for students to take on more ambitious projects, and to build new practice areas that would demonstrate the School’s capacity for interdisciplinary design. PennPraxis Design Fellows work with community leaders to develop an engagement strategy for The Park at Penn’s Landing.