Plain Sight (working title)
- Anab Aidid and Christina Piasecki
- College of Arts & Sciences
Student Arts Innovation Grant
Anab Aidid and Christina Piasecki’s project is the convergence of research, social activism, history, and documentary filmmaking. The final film, 40-70 minutes in length, will demonstrate the institutional power structure that perpetuates the pervasive system of sexual assault on campus. Their goal is to look into the 1983 sexual assault controversy at Penn that led to a court case between the University and the ATO fraternity. Combining repurposed footage, periodical archives, raw footage, and interviews, they seek to draw comparisons between the 1983 landscape and the present. A secondary storyline will parallel current cases of campus sexual assault with the ATO case, calling attention to the precedent that was set and the complacency of university administrations across the country.