October 4, 2018
Penn Today Features Arthur Ross Gallery’s William Kentridge ExhibitionThe exhibition, “William Kentridge Universal Archive,” will be on display until Nov. 11. There will also be several related programs and events, including a concert on Oct. 16 by visiting South African jazz musicians in collaboration with Carol Muller, a Penn music professor. Students will be giving docent tours on the weekends.
October 1, 2018
The Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts Ushered in a Robust Lineup of Programming, With Season LaunchThe Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts kicked off its 2018-19 season, the last weekend of September, ushering in a robust lineup of programming—most of which will be new for Philadelphia audiences.
October 1, 2018
Pulitzer Prize Winner Jennifer Egan is Artist-in-Residence at PennAuthor Jennifer Egan, C’85, is Artist-in-Residence in the Department of English for the 2018-19 year. The Pulitzer Prize winner will work with students and faculty, as well as share her work through public events.
October 1, 2018
DesignPhiladelphia’s ‘Best in Design’ Award Went to Graduates of the Integrated Product Design Program (IPD) and IPD Executive Director Sarah RottenbergLia: The Flushable Pregnancy Test was first developed by Anna Couturier-Simpson (MS’14) and Bethany Edwards (MS’14) while they were students in IPD, which is a joint offering of the School of Design, the School of Engineering and Applied Science, and the Wharton School.
October 1, 2018
PennDesign Studios Tackle Disaster Recovery Planning and Design in Puerto RicoFor the past month, master’s students in the City and Regional Planning and Landscape Architecture programs have been collecting research around the problems facing Puerto Rico in the aftermath of the deadly 2017 hurricane season. The studios are united in their approach: Bringing long-range, systems-oriented thinking to a host of ongoing environmental, economic, infrastructural and spatial problems that were exacerbated but not caused by the hurricanes’ devastation.